Division 1

Learning and emotion are inextricably intertwined as learning impacts emotion and emotion impacts learning. When charged with emotion about learning a concept or a skill, attention, concentration, memory and meaning are heightened exponentially. In short, we learn because we are intrigued, curious, fascinated, surprised.

Relationships between students, teachers, and families are integral factors contributing to the degree that learners construct meaning and build knowledge. Sharing in the enthusiasm of children’s natural inclination to learn builds confidence and supports risk. As learners, we design and shape our own journey, and as we learn how to learn and think about thinking, we stretch boundaries.

Technology is a key component of my program and has become a companion to many of the students in their quest for knowledge, skills, and understanding. For many, it has stimulated natural intrigue, empowered choice and alternate forms of presentation, and generally contributed to the joy and art of learning. Deidri Csontala

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